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From Victory By Any Means Games


"Victory by Any Means (VBAM): Campaign Guide is a generic sci-fi campaign system that can interface with existing tactical war game rules or else operate as a stand-alone campaign environment. Unlike some campaign systems, VBAM is easy to run -- both for players and gamemasters alike. The time savings is even more important considering the breadth of the rules: research, intelligence networks, space and ground combat, colony insurrections -- rules for all of these (and more) are included in the VBAM campaign rules.

This modular rules system is designed to integrate seamlessly into your favorite game universe. The main book includes several existing player species to get you started and rules and ideas to create your own source material. Several pre-created source materials are available to expand your gaming universe."


2/22/2009 - VBAM Games announces a Second Edition is in the works:

Victory by Any Means Games, Inc. ("VBAM Games") is excited to announce that development has officially begun on a new edition of the company’s eponymous flagship strategic campaign system. This new line of campaign products, to be released under the VICTORY BY ANY MEANS SECOND EDITION label, will update the venerable Victory by Any Means Campaign System with a special emphasis on both integrating additional content released after the initial CAMPAIGN GUIDE; and streamlining the overall gameplay experience.

But why a Second Edition? "This previous year, we have all come to terms with the fact that it is time to revisit the campaign rules," says Jay Waschak, President of VBAM Games. "The rules have existed in one form or another for over five years, and the campaign system itself has come a long way since the initial CAMPAIGN GUIDE release in 2004. VICTORY BY ANY MEANS SECOND EDITION will allow us to address criticisms of the existing version of the campaign system, while also offering an opportunity to improve the organization and integration of our campaign product line."

Existing customers, especially new players that only recently purchased campaign rules, will wonder how the announcement of a Second Edition will affect them. "Obviously, we don’t have any plans to release any additional First Edition products," Waschak says. "However, VBAM Games remains committed to its established customer base, and we will be making ‘update packs’ available for existing customers that will allow them to take advantage of the new features that will be included in Second Edition. For example, the redesigned Campaign Strategic Combat Resolution (CSCR) module for Second Edition will be released for free to our existing fans prior to the release of Second Edition, along with updated force lists for our existing First Edition campaign supplements. This will allow First Edition players to enjoy some of the new features from Second Edition without having to purchase a new set of rules."

The full announcement can be seen here.


12/3/2006 - Wave 2 of the VBAM miniatures are now available.  Check out more images and full details at the VBAM Online Store.


Also it is a bit late but VBAM: Jovian Chronicles has been released and connects to the Dream Pod 9 who have the space combat game Lightning Strike in that universe.


9/6/2006 - Preorders are now being taken on the first wave of VBAM miniatures at the VBAM Store.  These minis are created from computer models, printed in 3D, cleaned up, molded and cast in metal.  A second wave of ships is in the works and should be available soon.

Empire 1: The Circasian Empire

Empire 2: The Chouka Theocracy

Empire 3: The Sshel'ath Alliance

VBAM Wave One Miniatures

The miniatures in Wave One, plus some reference miniatures towards the top of the image.

The computer model of the Circasian Illustrious Heavy Destroyer...

...and the metal miniature of that same ship (painted)

Since the VBAM Store is just being launched, they are running a Preorder sale with 10% off all items through the month of September.


7/18/2006 - Now available is VBAM: Stars Divided Terran Civil War, where mankind turns upon itself.  Included in this book is everything you need to play out the story of the Terran Civil War with the VBAM and Starmada X game systems.

Also available is the VBAM: Fire As She Bears! Edition for the popular fleet level age of sail game Fire As She Bears! from Starboard Tack Press.


7/2/2005 - Now available is the VBAM Campaign Moderator's Companion which contains advanced rules for use VBAM campaigns.   Included in this book are advanced rules for Detailed Star System Generation, Exploration, Sector-Based Movement, Retreating, Ramming, Campaign Ground Combat Resolution, Non-Player Entities, Underworld Empires, Terraforming, Elite Officers and Crews, and much more.

It is available from VBAM Games, RPGnow and Digital Book Booth.


6/21/2005 - Now available is VBAM: The Starmada Edition, a sourcebook to play a campaign using both VBAM and Starmada.  Full details are on the Starmada page.


4/17/2005 - The latest announcement from VBAM Games:

The ROAD TO VICTORY contest is a special promotion Victory by Any Means (VBAM) Games will be running through May 8, 2005 to promote both current and future VBAM Games products. All that it takes is a name and e-mail address to enter, and you will be eligible to win one of several prize packages, ranging in value from $15 USD (runners-up) to over $90 USD (first prize)!

Contest winners will be announced on May 8, 2005 - Victory in Europe (VE) Day! The winners will be selected at random from the entrant pool. After the winners are determined, they will be contacted and arrangements made for them to receive their prize packages.

If you simply cannot wait for the May 8 drawing, feel free to visit the VBAM Games storefronts at RPGNow, RPGMall, and




As an EXTRA special bonus, the limited stock of print books available at RPGMall will be 20% off for the entire month of April! We are looking to clear out our stock there, so get them while they're hot!

Last but not least, if you simply don't want to hassle with online ordering or print books and/or dislike PDFs, VBAM Games has entered general distribution and your local game store should be able to order in a copy of our products, too.


2/8/2005 - The second VBAM supplement, Empire Rising, is now available from RPGNow.  "Empire Rising is the first in a series of supplements set in the Escalation Wars universe. This book details the Circasian Empire and their first true interstellar conflict against the Chouka Theocracy. The result would be the first in a series of conquests that would eventually propel the Circasians into a position of great power. Includes information on the Circasians, Chouka, Sshel'ath, Raiders, and Civilians."


12/10/2004 - VBAM Games is happy to report that the first two supplements to the Victory by Any Means Campaign Guide sci-fi campaign system will be released in December of 2004.

The first of these new supplements, The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians, is already available in electronic format at RPGNow. The second source book, Empire Rising, has a tentative release date of December 12. Both full-color books will be available via the Wargamer Data-Source print-on-demand soon after appearing on RPGNow. It should take about one to two weeks after electronic release before the book is available for sale at Data-Source, so Empire Rising might not beat the Christmas rush – but the PDF version of the book will be available!

As a special bonus, those that purchase a print version of any of our books from Wargamer Data-Source can contact us at and receive a special savings coupon towards the purchase of the PDF version of the same book from RPGNow!

Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians - Price: $12 (electronic), TBA (print)

The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians is the first in a series of source books set in the Boltian and Kuissian Universe, a setting specifically created for the VBAM Campaign Guide system. This 108-page source book covers the First and Second Boltian/Kuissian Wars and includes full fleet rosters for the Kuissians, Boltians, and Terrans, as well as units belonging to the Boltian's alien allies.

Empire Rising - Price: $14 USD (electronic), TBA (print)

Empire Rising brings the Escalation Wars universe to VBAM in this 150+ page supplement. The Escalation Wars were a series of brutal wars sparked by the meeting of two interstellar superpowers: the Circasian Empire and the Courata Imperium. Fought across two decades, the Escalation Wars would come to involve most of the known worlds and bring both the Circasians and Courata to their knees, casting the entire region into chaos. Empire Rising introduces the reader to the Circasian Empire as they embarked on their first major military campaign against the Chouka. The Chouka War would end in Circasian victory and mark the rise of a new empire on the frontier, an empire that would one day shape the course of history. Fleets are included for the Circasians, Chouka, Sshel'ath, Raiders and Civilians.


10/20/2004 - The latest news...

The VBAM Development Team is pleased to announce an agreement with Majestic 12 Games to produce a Starmada Campaign Sourcebook. In addition to providing everything you need to run a Starmada Campaign, we will be including the background and ships to play your favorite VBAM Sourcebooks.


8/2/2004 - The VBAM: Campaign Guide is now available.  It can be purchased from WarGamer Print on Demand and plans exist to make it available through

Future products include a Campaign Moderator's Companion of advanced campaign rules, VBAM: Tactical, a tactical space combat system that can be used alone or along with the VBAM: Campaign Guide, and VBAM: Historical, which adapts the VBAM system for historical conflicts like Rome or WWII.