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GenCon 2003

Full Thrust Admiral's Tournament


Tournament Overview

For the last several years, a grand Full Thrust Tournament has been held at GenCon for all the would-be admirals out there.  GenCon 2003 in Indianapolis will be no different.

Event #1810     Game ID: NM00036     Saturday 7/26  12:30PM - 8:30PM

Basic Outline

The Full Thrust Tournament will consist of 4 rounds of gaming.  Rounds 1 and 2 will be round-robin with random opponents.  This way every player gets at least 2 games.  The top 4 players with then move on to Round 3, the semi-finals.  The winners of the semi-finals match will move to the finals and the winner will be promoted to Grand Admiral for 2003.

Fleets will consist of 1500 points of official ships or their listed variants in Fleet Book 1 or Fleet Book 2.  These fleets will be provided, no custom fleets will be allowed this year.  This change is due to another new twist, each player may use a specific fleet once and only once during the tournament.  Thus the fleet a player chooses in Round 1 many not be used by that player in any other round.

Each match continues until the time limit is reached or until one player has eliminated 50% of his opponent's fleet as determined by points. Matches must be completed in no more than 1 hour and 45 minutes. The winner is the player with the highest point total.

Full Rules

Please view they full rules for the 2003 Full Thrust Admiral's Tournament and the available fleets below:

Tournament Rules

Tournament Format

Tournament Fleets

Full Thrust Errata


I want the thank Allan Goodall for the work his work on the Full Thrust Tournament rules.  We both were involved in the FT Tourneys in the past and I lifted much of the content on these tournament pages from his web page -